So where do you begin? Answer: At the end (the goal line).

Determine a realistic date when the project must be delivered, then work backwards, and fill in all the appropriate dates. You also need to delegate responsibilities. Most projects are a TEAM EFFORT, and everyone involved needs a clear understanding of their individual responsibilities as well as a commitment to stick to the dates established.

As a project manager, you must establish a budget, set goals and objectives, get agreements up front, and then execute a plan of work with a strict timetable. Frequent and clear communication is your responsibility every step of the way.

Let us demonstrate this with a simple assignment. You must create a newsletter for a client from scratch. What are the steps?

  • Why do this? Who will read it? What benefit will the reader gain from it? Let this be clear at the beginning.
  • It is new, so create a name for it. Brainstorm as needed. But meet a deadline.
  • Get a design team involved. Make sure they get clear direction. Again, give them a date to do this.
  • Make sure you understand the time it takes for design, content approvals and printing…then stay on top of the project throughout. Leave some “wiggle room” for the unexpected.

Marketing has so many facets to it. all with unique challenges. I love this stuff.

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