No marketing lesson this month. Just a fervent “stay safe” prayer for all those in the unemployment line, the healthcare community, first responders, restaurants and closed retail stores, postal workers, and anyone accepting responsibility for dealing with the public, so our lives can function. Thank you for your sacrifice.

I consider myself lucky to still serve my clients, despite the absence of regular in-person meetings. I have been able to create awareness of stories that demonstrate the goodness in the human spirit. Here is a sampling

  • Just before the stay at home mandate broke – Lebanon Valley Sertoma honored humble Grace Ziegler, who has devoted her life to helping others without drawing attention to herself. The lady is a living saint.
  • WWII army veteran Dale Chapman fought in the Battle of the Bulge. He celebrated his 100th birthday outside his Hill Terrace residence. Lebanon Mayor Sherry Capello was there, and presented Dale with a proclamation. Everyone wore masks and practiced social distancing.
  • A nurse, Mrs. Saul, created a Facebook project with her children, and raised money to buy paper goods for Willow Terrace residents. She was named the Coronavirus Hero of the Day by Penn Live.
  • The staff at Tulpehocken Terrace in Myerstown surprised the residents of the 46 apartments in the building by making and delivering Easter dinner for them all. The surprised smiles made the effort worthwhile.
  • JoEllen Litz’s team project of making and giving out over 5000 hand-made masks motivated Christman’s Funeral Home Supervisor Greg Vaitl and his intern to deliver Domino’s pizza to volunteers at the City Hall giveaway. They also directed the long line of traffic that showed up for masks.

Thanks also to my friends in the media community, who ran the stories


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