But the most effective tactic could very well be the tactic you use to develop relationships with people who have the ability to open doors for you on your path to business success. Google that idea and you come up with a name for these people – Center of Influence (COI). This is particularly good advice for professionals in the service sector like accountants, estate planners, financial advisors, services for the elderly, etc. Actually, it works for anyone in business.

You have to, of course, develop your own brand identity and reputation first. Then find your team of COI’s to help you connect with others who can openly support your own area of expertise, and actually do business with you.

So, where do you find these people? By belonging to organizations like the Chamber of Commerce, or through memberships in service clubs like Rotary, Lions, Sertoma, Kiwanis, etc. Don’t just join. Be active. It’s particularly effective in a community-focused business environment. COI’s gravitate to organizations like this. Seek and ye shall find.

How’s your elevator speech? It must be flexible enough to allow you to connect your business to the solution of the other guy’s business problem, The ideal COI relationship is a win-win. Create an alignment of mutual interest. The success rate will take care of itself.

September traditionally is the time we get serious about planning for the year ahead. This time find room for the Center of Influence in addition to all the other good stuff you are doing. Help and support is never a bad thing.  


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