There are things in play today that are planning considerations, but are out of your control – like the continuing pandemic, the date we get a vaccine, the result of the Presidential election, etc. These are factors to keep in mind of course but focus your real energy on planning elements that you CAN control. You have just so much capacity in your thinking tank. That must be your priority.

I spent almost twenty years teaching marketing students at Lebanon Valley College and Elizabethtown College, and utilized a textbook (with regular updates) by respected marketing guru Philip Kotler. I still follow Kotler’s thinking when it comes to planning. It always starts with an understanding that your plan must always, at its core, create and capture value for your customer.

With this premise in mind, dig deeper into to mind of the customer (the market), and match what you do to what the market is looking for. What makes your business the best choice?

Then, and only then, design a consumer-focused strategy and tactical platform to reach and influence your audience. The way you communicate is key here too. It must be written and delivered from your customer’s perspective. I have said this before – marketing is conversation.

Media choices, traditional and digital, are more abundant than at any time in our history. Figuring that out is challenging enough without zapping energy on the state of the world. If you have a plan that works for you and your target audience, you will survive.

The days grow short when they reach September. Keep your thinking efficient and do not fall behind. Keep believing in yourself!


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